Is the latest program directly under the Field of Journalism Unit Communication and Broadcasting Activities Campus State University of Padang (abbreviated: UKKPK UNP) the program was launched to appoint students, lecturers and all elements of the academic community of Padang State University and as a container of information related to the achievements of Civitas Akademika Universitas Negeri Padang (abbreviated as: UNP) Brief Biography Arif Munandar, Arif is an outstanding student of UNP who recently completed his studies at UNP. Arif has made scientific presentations in Japan and China, more info please see Vidio above.
Nge-Zoom Bareng : Peluncuran Mata Kuliah Kecerdasan Digital (Program Literasi Digital)
Webinar Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis Islam IAIN Batusangkar, Mengulas Topik Ekonomi Syariah
Meriahkan HPN, UKKPK UNP Luncurkan SIGMA FM Versi Google Play dan Online
Meriahkan HPN, UKKPK UNP Luncurkan SIGMA FM Versi Google Play dan Online